
Most of the files are in the "pdf" (Adobe Acrobat Reader®) format or the "zipped" (WinZip® compressed) format.  A free and legal copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader® is available from Mr. Benn on CD-ROM or 3.5" floppy.  Read the info below on how to get WinZip® and a copy of Microsoft Wordview®.

Click on the filename to download the file.  Downloading should begin automatically.  Take notice of the folder name where the file is being saved on your computer so you can access it later.

If you "lose" the file in your computer, click on the "Start" button, click "Find", click "Files or Folders", type in the filename as it is displayed in assignment list.  Click on the "Find Now" button.  When the filename and location shows up in bottom panel of the window, double clicking on the filename will load (or run) the file or cause your WinZip®  program to start up.  If you don't have the WinZip® program, see the "ZIPPED" section below.

All files were checked with Norton AntiVirus®  prior to being posted on this site.  Due to the possibility of file tampering by immoral individuals, you should check the files with your own virus detection software before opening or running the files.

Microsoft Word97® Files that end in .doc, .sci, .lab must be viewed using Microsoft Word97® or Wordview®.  Microsoft Word97® is a very large (and expensive) word processing program.  Wordview® is a "viewer" program which allows you to view documents prepared in any version of Microsoft Word® up to and including Microsoft Word97®.   Microsoft Word97® must be purchased, but Wordview® may be downloaded free from the Microsoft Wordview®  download Web page.  The download link (good as of 12/6/99) above will take you there.

Adobe®files that end in .pdf can be viewed directly from your browser if you have Adobe Acrobat Reader® installed as a "plug-in" or helper program.  The Adobe Acrobat Reader® is a free download that can be obtained directly from the Adobe® Web site.  Look for the "Get Acrobat Reader free!" link near the bottom of the page.

"Zipped" files require the WinZip® program which can be downloaded as a "shareware" (free trial) program from the Nico Mak Computing, Inc. Website.  The link above will take you there.

Many of the programs mentioned here are "shareware" programs.  The authors of the programs have made a "free trial" version of the program available for your limited use.  The market version of the programs are almost always enhanced in some way.  If you continue to use one of the shareware programs, I encourage you to buy the program.  This "honors" system of "try before you buy" will continue to work only if we are honorable and give the authors due compensation for their work.  Please do the right thing.