KD8LW Estate Sale


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WB8PPG Estate Sale

I purchased these items from the brother of a Silent Key KD8LW as a favor to him and other relatives of the deceased.  If I take in more money than I paid for the lot, the excess will go to the estate of KD8LW or their designated charity.  

You must provide identification to purchase any of the transmitting equipment. 

Transmitters will sold only to individuals holding a valid amateur radio station license.

None of these items have been tested. 
If/when I get time
to check them out I will make a note below the thumbnail pic of the item. 

If you are interested in a particular item, email me at 11-17@nsfd.net and I will at least remove a cover and take a look inside to determine if there is any visible damage or missing parts.  I will also take a picture or two & email it/them to you.  Actually putting it on the bench for a "smoke test" may not happen. 

If you are willing to take a chance "as is", make an offer.  A trip to Weidman, MI will lower the price considerably on the heavier items.  Don't be surprised if you make an offer and I reply that the item has been sold.  I will make an effort to mark the items as sold on these pages ASAP, but it will not be my primary mission on any given day.

 Items that I find to be operational will eventually be listed on QRZ.com, eBay.com or similar sites.

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