YNP 2000

A day-by-day pictorial presentation of the construction of the
New Slough Creek Information/Registration "Kiosk"
Page 1
(10 July - 24 July)

The original information/registration facility.
The pre-"kiosk" information/registration facility

The north pump area of Slough Creek campground before the onset of construction. The kiosk construction crew & equipment. The kiosk materials. End of day one... 10 July 2000
End of day two... 11 July 2000 Day one (& two)... another view... out with the sage, in with the gravel. End of day three... 12 Jul 00 End of day 4... 13 Jul 00
More progress.... End of the day ... 18 July 00 End of day ten ... 19 July 00 End of day 11... the roof takes shape... 20 Jul 00 End of day 11... another view.
End of day 11... a third view... 20 Jul 00 Day 12 in progress... 24 Jul 00 Day 12 in progress... 24 Jul 00 Day 12 in progress... 24 Jul 00
Next Page (25 July - ? Aug)
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