YNP 2000
Page 2
(2nd Update)

Mule Deer Doe and Fawn - Slough Creek Mule Deer Doe and Fawn - Slough Creek Alien Species (non-native plant) - Musk Thistle - Slough Creek Campground Raven on a mule deer carcass - Slough Creek
Williamson's Sapsucker - Site 25, Slough Creek Campground Actual size, about 35 mm - the beast was on the cover of a trailer brochure. Rocky rapids - Slough Creek - about a km above the campground. Mule deer doe escaping the heat of the day - Slough Creek
Mule deer doe with twin fawns - Slough Creek campground meadow. Wild grape? - Slough Creek anglers trail. White bells - Slough Creek anglers trail. White bells - Slough Creek anglers trail.
Northern three-toed woodpeckers - mom and kid - Slough Creek anglers trail. Next Page of Yellowstone 2000 pictures

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