Hmmm... Where's that cooler I saw earlier?
Slough Creek Coyote

Hayden Valley Bison

Yes, we DO have bears!

Slough Creek Cutthroat

For more images, click one of the links below:

Bad Fuel - Bad Filter - Worthless Warranty
Our $9,706.81 experience with our 2009 GMC Duramax
and GMC's denial of our warranty claim.
(Shoulda bought a Ford!)

2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019 Pix - All

2013 & 2015 Pix - All

2012 Pix - All

2012 Videos


Cutthroat Country

2005 - All
2004 - All
2003 - All
Slough Creek Flowers
YNP 2002
YNP 2001
 YNP 2000

YNP 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
The following links will take you to images collected during the summers of 1996-1999.

Green Stuff
Page 2
Page 2
Page 2
Page 3
Page 3
Page 4
Page 4
Bighorn Rams
Mountain Bells
Lamar River - Morning

Slough Creek "Kiosk" Pictorial

Links To Other Yellowstone Sites:
   The Official National Park Service Website for Yellowstone National Park
  Ralph Maughan's Wolf Reports
  The Total Yellowstone Page
  Yellowstone Chat Page

Links To Other Topics

  Amateur Radio Station WD8LUV
  Montana Fly Fishermen Web Site

If you find some part of this presentation that does not work correctly, drop me a note via e-mail.    I'll do my best to fix the problem.